Did Deadpool cross a line?

I believe that there should be balance in everything we do; whatever that is. And in movies, series, stand-ups, plays or anything that has to do with one person performing something in front of others, mostly in comedy, there are some boundaries that should not be crossed. Comedy is tough, alright? I get that! I... Continue Reading →

Filthy FILTHY Disney

Disney. Who doesn’t love Disney! (Quite a lot of people but let’s just ignore that for now.)   We’ve all watched our share of Disney films, either as children, teenagers or even adults. There were many moral lessons and not only, that we as children really needed to learn as we were a bit stubborn... Continue Reading →

What Are Thooose…memes in movies?

We all know what a meme is, and they are literally everywhere. For those who don’t know, it’s either an image, video, a sound clip or a text etc. with comedic purposes that change from person to person. Sometimes people don’t even know where it originated from… and almost nobody knows that what they have... Continue Reading →

Let’s talk, F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Ahhh..Friends. A classic. I’m sure if anyone’s heard of another human being mouthing the words ‘I’ve never watched friends actually’ or ‘Yeaah, I don’t like Friends’, there will be some definite gasps. For those who don’t know what Friends is, it’s an American comedy TV series which is basically the story of six friends who... Continue Reading →

How I Met Your F.R.I.E.N.D.S

There are always these types of people who have a ‘nemesis’ or some kind of ‘feud’ with somebody... like Batman and The Joker, like Marvel and DC fans, Manchester City and Manchester United, to name a few. We don’t have time for all of those, so I’ll just talk about the Friends fans and the... Continue Reading →

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